Category Archives: 2020

A Quarantined Life…Memory of My Mother

I have a wonderful memory that goes back to when I was in the third grade. Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, My Style | 8 Comments

A Quarantined Life… Afternoon Tea

During this time of quarantine our world can still bloom with breathtaking loveliness… Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Cooking, Garden/Tea Time | 2 Comments

A Quarantined Life…Rose Castle Cottage

Take time to make your soul happy💕 Hello, sweet friends… Slowing down and getting more enjoyment out of everyday life starts where the heart is – at home. I am BLESSED to be in my home environment. Enjoying waking up early to blue skies and sunshine. I’m blessed to be here enjoying my surroundings… in small ways celebrating every breath I am STILL able to take. I have been blessed in many ways during this time of quarantine to experience this moment in time. A time to find the value of each day…appreciating nature’s simple beauty and nurturing my soul … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Cooking | 7 Comments

A Quarantined Easter

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. -C.S.Lewis Hello, sweet friend… Spring is alive in the world… already on trees we see the buds and blossoms… the hope in a future we cannot see yet. This quarantine has been a time for me to focus on what I can do instead of what I can’t…on what could be… verses what isn’t or what I’m afraid of what won’t be again. With Easter just around the corner it seems like this has … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Cooking | 2 Comments

A Quarantined Life… Get Dressed! (Every Day)

“Life is a party. Dress like it.”-Audrey Hepburn Hello, sweet friends… I also want to apologize for changing this weeks theme. I had another post planned…making mention of it on my last blog post however so much has changed since then… That being said today I’d like to share how I’m adjusting these days at home and a few things that help me with maintaining a healthy mind & body… Something which is more important than ever. let’s face it…we are going to be spending quite a bit of time here. My most important suggestion…(drum roll) *1. Get dressed! … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Cooking, My Style | Tagged | 2 Comments

An Elegant Life in a Quarantined World

Here I find what now seems to be a golden opportunity for me to learn how I can get the most out of living… Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, A Quarantined Life, Coastal Living, Cooking, Together Apart | 8 Comments

Heading Into February…

“Live life in full bloom & let your dreams blossom” -Marcia Hello, sweet friend… I hope you are having a wonderful week… Surrendering to the brrrrrr of this season… I have taken time to put my nose to inhaling the scents of wood smoke and the frost of the cold air… I’ve walked by those bare trees… listening to the sounds of silence after a winter storm… a storm that came in the wee hours…awakening my small town with it’s blustery wind, thunder and lightning. I appreciate the treasures of this season and it’s tidbits of beauty… realizing that even … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, Garden/Tea Time | 6 Comments

Come Cook With Me…

and so, she decided to start living the life she imagined… Hello, sweet friend… Many years ago while I was still teaching… A parent in my class invited me over to her house for lunch. Her name was Molly… that afternoon she taught me how to make Pad Thai. Years later I still think of her whenever I prepare this wonderful dish. Here is a super easy and approachable way to make it (that is if you don’t take a million photos like I did😉) Just in case you don’t know what Pad Thai is… it’s a stirfry dish made … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, Cooking | 6 Comments

An Art Exhibit and “Marcia’s Second Pink Home”

“Home is where the heart is” – Pliny the Elder Hello, sweet friend… How are you? I hope you had a great week. Earlier this week I attended an Art Exhibit Opening at Southern Coos Hospital located in Bandon, Oregon on the Oregon coast. The theme of the exhibit was called “Home” All the artwork displayed some form of home life. I was so excited to attend this exhibit… since I find an enormous comfort in the home The artists work displayed different kinds of structures representing home… There were barns…nests…farm houses…small cafés… As I strolled through the exhibit sipping … Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020, Our Home | 6 Comments

Journaling – 2020

Plant those dream seedlings…eat, sleep, breathe them. Read the full blog post

Posted in 2020 | 3 Comments