The twelve months…
Snowy, Flowy, Blowy, Showery, Flowery, Bowery, Hoppy, Croppy, Droppy, Breeze, Sneezy, Freezy,…~George Ellis
The middle of this past week began with a new month. March. Any chance you celebrated Mardi Gras? I enjoyed a Mardi Gras dinner at the church I attend. During the dinner I met a couple who had recently moved from Southern California (very close to where I use to live) to the Oregon coast. such a small world isn’t it…
The madcap month of March has arrived.
Here on my fabulous coast I’ve seen wind, rain, sunshine, hail, light featherings of snow, and several rainbows.🌈
I know without a doubt that Winter is trying to say goodbye, and I’m ready to bid it farewell!
The first signs of Spring are forcing themselves into new beginnings hello.
However what I’m also very much aware of is that Mother Nature can’t be rushed.
March is a month of indecision.
It can’t quite make it’s mind up. sounds a little like me at times
I’m learning patience.
I begin to garden, and it rains.
I get all cozy in a comfy chair with my favorite book
and the sun comes out brilliantly.
Mother Nature has grabbed my attention with her soft teasing breezes which then quickly turn into strong gusts of wind.
During a recent bright & sunny day I excitedly hopped in my jeep
and ventured on a garden excursion to one of my favorite nurseries.
I purchased an abundance of primroses. those happy little flowers
With the enthusiasm of a child I joyfully planted them in the front window box.
Later that same evening a light snow fell and covered them all. Much to my surprise they survived. Mother Nature is amazing with all her charms. One being that her Beauty has many facets. Similar to those primroses which are fragile looking, they are also extremely resilient and strong.
Have a fabulous month!
👏👏I’d like to give a shout out to the Young Bucks a local band on the Oregon Coast. They provided great entertainment at Holy Trinity Mardi Gras celebration.
Parmesan Roasted Broccoli
2 large heads of broccoli
5 garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced
2-3 tbsp olive oil
1 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 cup roasted pecans, chopped
1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
- Preheat the oven to 425
- Cut the broccoli florets from the thick stalks and cut the larger pieces through the base of the head with a small knife, pulling the florets apart. Place the broccoli florets on a sheet pan large enough to hold them in a single layer. Toss the garlic on the broccoli and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with the salt and pepper. Roast for 20-15 minutes, until crisp & tender with the tips of some florets browned.
- Remove the broccoli from the oven and immediately toss with lemon juice, pecans and Parmesan cheese. Serve hot.

Hello Marcia,
Enjoyed your posting. I too was at a Church party Tuesday night to celebrate Mardi Gras. Our Monsignor always has a thank you party for those who help out at the Church. It was a fun evening with dancing, dinner and lots and lots of colorful beads. Your garden looks like it is on its way to Spring which is just around the corner. Love Primroses, they are indeed such a happy little flower. Your seacoast is lovely and I enjoyed seeing it. Here in Laguna Beach it is pretty too and the weather has warmed up. I planted a peach and nectarine tree but the gardener told me I will not have any fruit until next year, never mind the trees are filled with blossoms. Well, happy day to you and thank you again for your darling blog…
Hi Jane! I’m glad you had a safe return to Laguna & that your visit to the Pacific Northwest was wonderful. Yes the Oregon Coast is beautiful & yet quite different from your coast in Laguna beach. I love laguna & visited often when I lived in SoCal. Lucky you. It sounds like we share the same faith too. Holy Trinity is one of the first churches here on the coast. It’s very quaint. Aren’t primroses the best! They are so wonderfully easy to care for. I had to laugh when I saw that you planted a fruit tree, & even though it had blossomed won’t produce until next year. The same thing happened to me last year when I planted an apple tree. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for fruit this year. I’m learning patience. Thank you for taking the time to stop & chat. I so enjoy your visits. Happy weekend!
Hi Marcia,
Thanks for your very sweet reply. I wanted to ask you if you were ever on Balboa Island? I am sure you were when you lived down here. My little Church is St. John Vianney Chapel and it is small and quaint. I love it! Living in Laguna, my church is supposed to be St. Catherine’s but once I attended Mass at the little Chapel I knew I was home..
Well, I am sure you are enjoying the weekend… it is going to rain again tomorrow and Monday. I love the rain… makes one feel cozy and its hot chocolate time… Take care! P.S. I forgot to thank you for the recipe, it is on the agenda for next week……
Jane yes I’m very familiar with Balboa Island. Such a fun place to visit. St. John Vianney Chapel is a beautiful church. It’s funny but the church I attended in California was called St. Catherine’s of Alexandria and much larger than Holy Trinity. I’m enjoying the experience of quaint & small. And yes I enjoyed a nice date day with my husband. We went out for an early dinner and then saw THE SHACK. Oh, and it’s raining here too. It rains alot on the Oregon coast in the winter. So my cupboards are filled hot chocolate. Enjoy the rest of your weekend Jane.xo
Thank you for sharing your experiences of transitioning in Spring. The flowers are beautiful and resilient. Good reflections!
Hi Joe! Thank you! ♡
SO fun to read your conversation with Jane. Our family vacationed on Balboa Island AND in Laguna many times. Both are awesome places! After viewing your photos I’ve added a basket of primroses on my small porch and today (after trying two places!) bought a little daffodil nylon flag and it’s hanger to place alongside my driveway. With all of the rain we’ve been getting this addition of bright colors is delightful!
Hi Jenny! Ha! Ha! Ha! yes I’m addicted to bright colors at the current moment. I’m glad you chose those happy little flowers too. I think I’m heading back to the nursery this weekend to pick up more. I’m regretting not purchasing a zillion daffodils. I did plant 6 that are still there after a very windy storm. It’s quite exciting living here. Your flag sounds adorable. I purchased the one in the photo in California recently. It makes me SO happy! Thanks for the chat. xo