A New chapter: Embracing Change and New Beginnings

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9 Responses to A New chapter: Embracing Change and New Beginnings

  1. Jose says:

    Oh, wow! You are moving!! Please continue your blog because I can’t imagine living without it!
    Loved the tablescape and gave me some ideas of my own.
    Very curious to find out where you and your family land!
    Thank you for all your hard work!!!

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Your comment truly made my day! Thank you so much for your kind words and support… It means the world to me. I’m so happy you enjoyed the tablescape and found some inspiration of your own! I promise to keep sharing, and I can’t wait to bring you along on this next adventure. Stay tuned!

  2. Neeru says:

    Oh my God…i am doing just the opposite. Giving up my city life for my mountain cottage. Givibg up my school teaching of last over 20 years..need to garden and relax and maybe ciok.And I have enjoyed your posts…well..am so so happy for you and your so loving husband…wish me luck too

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Neera, that sounds like such a meaningful transition! After 20 years of teaching, you’ve certainly earned some time to relax, garden, and enjoy life at a different pace. Wishing you all the best in this new chapter…may it being you peace and joy!

  3. Susan Ramsey says:

    City life has significant benefits….interested in where you end up…..Oregon or Washington?

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Susan, city life definitely has its perks! Life has a way of leading us to new places and experiences, and I’m embracing the journey. Oregon has been a wonderful chapter, and I’m excited to see what’s next. I’ll always appreciate that you were one of the few high school friends who came to visit when I first moved here…such a great memory! Hope you’re doing well…so nice to stay connected!

  4. Cindy Siebold says:

    Oh my goodness you are moving? We are planning a trip up north in June and wanted to come by and see you. Hope that will still be possible?

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Cindy, it’s so wonderful to hear from you! Yes, life is leading us into a new chapter, but I would absolutely love to see you when you’re up north in June. Let’s stay in touch and make it happen! Looking forward to catching up and sharing some special time together.xox

      • Cindy Siebold says:

        OK sounds good. I will keep you updated when the time gets closer and yes let’s get together! We are heading up to Washington first to see a good friend of mine then to see Debbie Bocanegra who lives just 30 minutes from my friend then hopefully will connect with you. We will be driving so I cannot wait to see everyone and the beautiful country up there. Cindy Siebold

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