I usually don’t enjoy endings. And, as 2015 comes to an end…
I have visions of the year I’m leaving.
I’ve learned a great deal this year.
I feel it’s been challenging, productive and also enjoyable day to day.
What a wonderful thought to live our lives with as few regrets as possible.
I have to be honest that I don’t make New Year’s resolutions either.
However, at the beginning of each year I do write down a few things I’d like to work on to improve myself for the coming year.
I begin to resolve to use my energy in positive, constructive, life-enhancing, optimistic ways.
And, as I plan for the new year, I carve out lots of space for reflection and time for the work I love.
I’ve learned that it’s worth whatever sacrifices are necessary.
What kind of a year did you have? How would you rate it?
No matter how many challenges you’ve had, no matter what pain you’ve endured, did you do your very best?
Then have no regrets.
I do hate endings.
So, I won’t think of 2015 ending, so much as that of being interconnected with all that has been, and what will occur in the next year.
A beginning of new visions, hopes, and dreams.With that said I wish you a vital, happy, heathy New Year.
Fill the moment and tomorrow with many wonderful memories, and love.
When you do, joy will no doubt follow you into the New.
Here are some of my favorite videos I made. They are sort of in order (grin) except for the 2nd, and 3rd are reversed. The first one was made in January of 2015. The 3rd one ( which should be the 2nd) was of my first trip to our 1946 beach cottage tour on the coast. The next one is this last Christmas tour. I’ve included an Angel Tea video, a video of my Folly, that was once an old shed in the backyard. And, last is a What I Wear with the changing weather here on the coast. If you have lots of time you might enjoy watching all of them.

Congratulations on a truly memorable post that captures your year and life beautifully!
Thank you Joe….♡♡♡