WhAt GaRdEn ArE YoU…♡

Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. I’m so happy to see you today my friend. Shall we have a little tea.

Happy Sunday my sweet friend. ♡ I sure hope that you are enjoying your weekend.

If you are on Facebook, then I’m sure that you have seen those quizzes  you can take,  telling you what Downton Abbey character you are (Dowager) or what kind of HoMe you should live in (farmhouse) . How about the one  “are you introvert, or extrovert?” (extrovert) The most recent one that I took was..”What Hollywood bombshell are you?” (Marilyn Monroe)

Well, are you up for finding out what kind of Garden you are? Okey, dokey, then I have the perfect survey/quiz just for you!

Q• When you need to be refreshed would you rather:

A. Create something from your flea market treasures
B. Dig in the dirt or make something
C. Relax and read a book
D. Ride your bike or go swimming

If you answered:

 A. Vintage Garden- you are a treasure seeker at heart. A vintage garden need not be perfect – it’s merely a haven for friends and a getaway for relaxation. This type of garden, is a place of creativity, personality and harmony.

B. Country Garden- for you there is nothing quite as lovely as an unbroken horizon, field upon field only hedged in by an occasional fence. You my friend, have the soul of a a country girl…and are as familiar with a spade, as most gals are with cell phones. You love lush gardens.

C. Romantic Garden– You have the heart of a true romantic, and adore beautiful things. You also love taking time to do things right, and then rest in a beautiful lace hammock, contemplating on the real meaning of love. (grin)

D. Beach Garden– for you, the smell of the ocean hangs in the air, and your bicycle tires thrum beneath you as you pedal your way to the nearest beach. This is your haven, where palm trees and bougainvillea grow, and seashells litter the beach…and weathered signs point the way.

Well. .. What’s the verdict A,B,C, or D? I’m a little of all of them,  however, I obviously lean more towards a vintage garden personality type.

I enjoy spending much of my free time perusing flea markets, and antique stores. Sometimes I will give new found collectibles a fresh coat of paint. Other times I leave them as they are. I have a deep respect for objects that are “aged” and I imagine what their story might be.♡ I find great solace in my garden.

No two people are the same,  and neither are our gardens. Of course. I can’t help wondering  what your garden sanctuary looks like….btw… If you are looking for a little Garden inspiration, you might enjoy  checking out my garden boards www.pinterest.com/marcia|ren♡ There’s lots of inspiration out there, and the right garden is just waiting for you.

Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed your visit. Have a lovely Sunday.

                                          Xoxo. ..

When the time is right, go to the garden, speak kindly, pray softly, prune back, and plow ahead.

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