
Hello, Welcome to Marcia’s Cottage. I’m so happy to see you today my friend.
Shall we have a little tea.

Happy Monday! How was your weekend….hope it was great! And, that your ready for the week ahead.

Time to get close up, and personal…(very sweet smile)

Question…Has this ever happened to you…you have been thinking about something, and then out of the blue a complete stranger starts talking about it?

Or, perhaps you keep hearing the same phrase, or saying from a number of different people in one day?

For instance, just recently I had been thinking about a little cottage up in the Pacific northwest. We purchased it many years ago. It’s located in a very small coastal community . Very few people have even heard of it.

It’s been on my mind for several reasons…anyway an article came up on Facebook about the area. I thought how odd that was, since I had just been thinking about it. Oh….I’m not sure if that’s a  very good example.

Or how about this. … imagine that you haven’t seen someone for a really long time, but you’ve been thinking about them, and then you either run into them, or they call you. Coincidence? Well, I hope you don’t think I’m s.t.r.a.n.g.e (as in ooooooh, oooooh) but when things like that happen to me, and depending on the situation, I think they are all signals for me to pause, be open, and pay attention. I think many times they are signs.

It’s sort of funny, because I actually decorate quite a bit using signs.Okay, I just thought of another example. One day on my way to work, (when I was still working) I had a situation that I had been pondering, pondering, and pondering over.

I wasn’t quite sure how to address it.
I came to a stop sign, and just happened to look up when I saw the Nike advertisement with the slogan: “Just Do It!”

And, since I had been pondering, I saw it as a sign “post” guiding me. I don’t know… but,  I’d like to think that there are little divine nudges from the universe coming our way all the time.

Perhaps having a positive attitude even enhances them.

  Hmmm….something to ponder on this beautiful Monday morning.




Music gives soul to the universe,wings to the mind, flight to the imagination,and life to everything. ~Plato

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